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Show All Worlds

This is a summary page which lists all your worlds, and gives basic data about each. Likely trouble spots are flagged for your attention. This is a key page for empire management - it has a lot of important information in one place.

In the navigation bar at the top of any game page, click the "world" icon, which shows a globe. This opens a list of the worlds in your empire. For each one, you'll see:
  • Its EI and RER.
  • Its scanner, if any . . . both the scanner's icon and its scanning range. Worlds without a scanner have a range of 25.
  • A red warning if the scanner on that world detects any incoming fleets that are not yours. (This report does not bother with outgoing fleets; see All Scanners for that data.) Click on the warning to go to the Scanners portion of that world's World Information page for more details.
  • The world's Firepower, Ultranium, and Population.
  • Below that is the world's current production order. Click on the View button to go to the Production portion of that world's World Information page for more details.
  • If the world has no production in its queue, there will be a red warning. Unless you're deliberately saving up Ultranium on that world, you should probably build something!

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